Everything we do together as a church requires the willingness and giftings of other members of the family. If you are a guest, we don’t have any expectations of you. Our hope and prayer is that you experience our hospitality, hear and believe the gospel. However, if and when you become part of the family, we expect that the natural progression is that you go from thinking about what can be done for you, to what you can do for others. If you are no longer a guest but a committed member at One Family Church, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved. Below we’ve listed the most common areas where you can serve.

One Family Kids

No one should be above serving and caring for children! Jesus said in Matthew 18:4 “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child—this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one child like this in my name welcomes me.”

It is a great privilege to be able to partner with parents in pointing their kids to Jesus! There are a number of ways to serve with One Family Kids from teaching, helping with check-in, assisting a teacher, or even just rocking a baby while you pray for them. This ministry not only serves children but parents, as it enables them to be able to participate in a worship gathering undivided in their attention. When everyone shares in the responsibility of caring for our children at our gatherings, it makes serving a joy and not a burden!

Music Ministry

Use your voice and/or your ability to play instruments for the glory of God! Our Music Ministry hosts a few different auditions throughout the year. If you are interested in learning more, please click on the link below.

Plug Team

Do you enjoy making guests feel genuinely welcome during our weekly gathering and helping them get plugged into various ministry opportunities? The Plug Team at One Family Church desires to connect people to Jesus, family, and ministry. We want everyone to be encouraged to experience the body of Christ and the transforming work of the Gospel.

The servant leaders on this team help people get plugged into Family Groups and other ministry areas. They also help to create a welcoming environment by greeting guests as friends and family, brewing and serving coffee, and making sure that our gathering spaces are welcoming and clean.

Creative Team

There is always a new and creative way to display what God is doing in the life of the church. The creative team brings together those gifted creatively in social media, photography, design and video to spread the word of Jesus. This team works together to post content; capture video and photos and also plans for church-wide communication. Our goal is to make it easier for others to praise what God is doing and help them connect the gospel to their life. We look forward to igniting your creative gift and watching God work through you!


Do you enjoy working with youth? Our goal is simple, to equip the next generation to make disciples and represent Jesus everywhere they go. Our Young Ambassadors youth ministry is for middle and high school students, we meet once a week on Fridays. There are a number of ways to serve in the One Family Church Young Ambassadors ministry. If you are interested in learning more click on the link below.