
Jesus is the head of the church and chief shepherd of the church (1 Peter 5:4, Colossians 1:18). This means that Jesus alone has the ultimate authority and rule over his church. But how does Jesus Christ, who is now ascended to the Father’s right hand, lead His church? Jesus has given gospel ministers as gifts to His church (Ephesians 4:11-13). Among these gospel ministers, primarily pastors (also called elders or overseers), are responsible to shepherd the flock of God among them with the word, and equipping them to carry out the mission that Jesus has given the church—namely, to make disciples of all peoples (1 Peter 5:1-5, Matt. 28:18-20).




Deacons are men and women that support the vision and direction established by the elders, by overseeing specific areas of practical ministry in the life of the church. In doing so, they help enable the pastors to focus on their primary responsibilities.

Brittney Woodard

Kids Ministry Director

Caylan Andre

Student Ministry Director

Bre Jacob

Worship Director

Ryan Armstrong

Ministry Liason

Ken Muller

Family Care

Crystal West

Plug Team Director

Nicole Sauval

Communication Director

Ministry Residents

At One Family Church, we believe that the church is God's primary vehicle for transforming the world. Across the globe, there is a pressing need for individuals who are both deeply committed to God and equipped with the necessary gifts to lead and serve the church effectively. Our Ministry Residency program is designed with this in mind - to train and send out future leaders who will impact lives through the gospel.

Austin Darrow

Ministry Resident

Jean St. Jean

Ministry Resident

Advisory Team

Paul instructs Timothy to find faithful men who can share the leadership of the church (2 Tim. 2: 1–2). After establishing church plants, Paul demonstrated a process whereby elders were appointed. In Titus 1:5, Paul’s strategy for Crete was for Titus to “put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town.” Initially, these church plants existed without a body of elders. While we don’t know exactly how much time elapsed, we do know selecting elders came later. And it came slowly. At One Family, we will take heed to Paul’s counsel to Timothy to “not be hasty” in establishing elders (1 Tim. 5:22). Therefore, Pastor Melo has established an Advisory Team of Godly experienced men that he will lean on for wisdom, accountability and support as he works towards identifying and appointing future elders for the Church.

Gabe Forsyth

Mosaic Church

Clayton Greene

Summit Church

Matt Love

Summit Church

Dr. Bryan Loritts

Summit Church